Open season for our Delta Dental Plan is November 1 to December 1, 2021. If you plan to make changes to your Delta Dental plan for the upcoming year, please contact us via email as soon as possible to start the process. There will be no increase in premiums this year.
There will be a change in how to pay for your Delta Dental Plan for 2022. Subscribers will be receiving a letter from Delta Dental in early December which will provide instructions and details on the new direct payment system. Subscribers will be able to make electronic payments from any bank account for their premiums. Current auto-payments will stop as of December 31,2021as the current system transitions over to Delta Dental.
Subscribers, including retirees will need to continue to be members of AFGE to be eligible for this benefit.
Watch your mailbox for more details. If you have moved recently, please contact us to update your mailing information.